The John Milton Reading Room
Latin Poems found with Milton's Commonplace Book

Ignavus Satrapam

Ignavus satrapam dedecet inclytum
Somnus qui populo multifido præest.
Dum Dauni veteris filius armiger
Stratus purpureo procubuit strato
Audax Euryalus, Nisus et impiger [ 5 ]
Invasere cati nocte sub horrida
Torpentes Rutilos castraque Volscia
Hinc codes oritur clamor et absonus.

The Indolent Ruler

Indolence dishonors the renowned ruler
Who commands the many concerns of the people.
While the warrior son of old Daunus lay on purple
Sheets, bold Euryalus and nimble Nisus
Artfully entered the Volscian camp [ 5 ]
Of the torpid Rutilians at midnight.
Thus made fools, they arose crying in discord.