Title page 1645 Poems

Henry Lawes. Henry Lawes served as music tutor to the Bridgewater family. He was a noted composer and member of the King's Music. He appeared in the first production of A Mask as the Attendant Spirit, or Thyrsis. Apparently he was also responsible for the 1637 publication of A Mask; see his prefatory letter. See the 1645 title page from Early English Books Online.

Eclog. 7. Virgil's Eclogues 7.27-28 where Thyrsis says "Arcadian shepherds, wreathe with ivy-spray/ your budding poet, so that Codrus burst/ with envy: if he praise beyond my due,/ then bind my brow with foxglove, lest his tongue/ with evil omen blight the coming bard." Or "predestined bard." Milton appears to use this epigraph as an antidote to the more Cavalier tone of Moseley's front matter.